A long-standing partnership

Innovation has been at the heart of Preventeo’s business since its creation.

Preventeo has consistently innovated in the fields of information and communication sciences and, more specifically, artificial intelligence, databases and data mining, intelligent man–machine interfaces, and Internet technologies.

Preventeo’s R&D activities are carried out in close collaboration with the Center for Research on Risks and Crises (CRC), part of MINES ParisTech. This interdisciplinary laboratory conducts research that lies at the crossroads of human and social sciences, and engineering sciences. Another key partner is our clients, for whom we provide full support for their own risk management strategies.

Mines Paris Tech

Our collaboration with CRC MINES PARISTECH enabled us to:

  • Fund two company-based PhD theses (with the support of the National Agency for Research and Technology).

  • Carry out eight R&D projects on topics such as: ontologies, collaborative solutions, performance measurement, accident investigation, etc.

  • Preventeo’s R&D activities are designed and developed to improve the performance of its solutions. This level of performance is, to a great extent, due to the contribution of its clients who participate in design, modelling and prototyping.

Our publications

Title: Préventeurs
Authors: Franck Guarnieri, Jean-Marc Rallo

Title: Ingénierie de la connaissance pour la prévention des risques en santé, sécurité au travail et environnement
Authors: Jean-Marc Rallo, Thomas Audiffren, Léa Bourreau, Frédéric Juglaret, Guénolé Lefranc, Jonathan Vigneron

Title: Apports des ontologies à la création de bases de connaissances pour la maîtrise des conformités légales en santé et sécurité au travail
Authors: Jonathan Vigneron, Jean-Marc Rallo, Franck Guarnieri

Title: Conformité réglementaire et certification en santé et sécurité au travail
Authors: Franck Guarnieri, Thomas Audiffren, Hakima Miotti, Jean-Marc Rallo, Didier Lagarde

Title: A quantitative analysis of health, safety and environment policy in France
Authors: Thomas Audiffren, Jean-Marc Rallo, Franck Guarnieri, Christophe Martin

Title: OHS certification and legal compliance management in France: a quantitative survey
Authors: Thomas Audiffren, Jean-Marc Rallo, Franck Guarnieri

Title: The contribution of ontologies to the creation of knowledge bases for the management of legal compliance in occupational health and safety
Authors: Jonathan Vigneron, Franck Guarnieri, Jean-Marc Rallo

Title: Etude quantitative de la relation entre certification et maîtrise des conformités légales en santé et sécurité au travail (SST) en France
Authors: Thomas Audiffren, Jean-Marc Rallo, Franck Guarnieri

Title: Mieux connaître les “préventeurs” français : enquête nationale et analyse quantitative des données
Authors: Thomas Audiffren, Jean-Marc Rallo, Franck Guarnieri, Christophe Martin

Title: Contribution de la jurisprudence à la maîtrise des conformités en santé et sécurité au travail (SST) en France
Authors: Thomas Audiffren, Jean-Marc Rallo, Franck Guarnieri

Title: Contribution des bases de connaissances au diagnostic de la conformité dans le domaine de la maintenance industrielle dans le secteur du gaz
Authors: Léa Bourreau, Thomas Audiffren, Jean-Marc Rallo, Franck Guarnieri

Title: Contribution des tableaux de bord (Balanced Scorecards) au management de la santé et de la sécurité au travail
Authors : Frédéric Juglaret, Franck Guarnieri, Jean-Marc Rallo, Emmanuel Garbolino

Title: Apports de l’analyse de la conformité légale, de l’analyse des risques et du climat de sécurité à la construction de la culture de sécurité
Authors: Guénolé Lefranc, Franck Guarnieri, Jean-Marc Rallo, Emmanuel Garbolino, Raoul Textoris

Title: The contribution of knowledge bases to compliance assessment: a case study of industrial maintenance in the gas sector
Authors: Léa Bourreau, Thomas Audiffren, Jean-Marc Rallo, Franck Guarnieri

Title: Does the management of regulatory compliance and occupational risk have an impact on safety culture?
Authors: Guénolé Lefranc, Franck Guarnieri, Jean-Marc Rallo, Emmanuel Garbolino, Raoul Textoris

Title: The contribution of case law to compliance management in Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) in France
Authors: Thomas Audiffren, Jean-Marc Rallo, Franck Guarnieri

Title: The Contribution of Balanced Scorecards to the Management of Occupational Health and Safety
Authors: Frédéric Juglaret, Jean-Marc Rallo, Raoul Textoris, Franck Guarnieri, Emmanuel Garbolino

Title: New Balanced Scorecard leading indicators to monitor performance variability in OHS management systems
Authors: Frédéric Juglaret, Jean-Marc Rallo, Raoul Textoris, Franck Guarnieri, Emmanuel Garbolino

Title: Occupational Health and Safety Scorecards: New leading indicators improve risk management and regulatory compliance
Authors: Frédéric Juglaret, Jean-Marc Rallo, Raoul Textoris, Franck Guarnieri, Emmanuel Garbolino